Myspace love. a meaning to your life.

The novel opens a door on how divine love affects our human relationships. There is a spiritual experience for all in this delicious romantic comedy, in the tradition of Jean-Yves Leloup and Paulo Coelho... Sean and Elisa, from Heaven to earth, from New York to Paris, from Paris to Cairo, open themselves to the experience of pure love; to their dream myspace, a place of miracles. Awakened by the breath of life to the rhythm of their lives, they are guided to a future which abundantly enriches all aspects of their lives. This nectar of love, a living reality full of surprises, opens from the flowers of their desire to nourish their sense of a higher love, in which their friendship is born. At the richest height of this love, a true spiritual struggle with adultery, a wind of release will carry them and their friends, Colombia, Young and Thomas on the path of Light... This combination of fire and love restores the novel's relationships. It reveals a vision of love's wisdom, of heaven made visible, as their love moves from earthly passion to a mad, burning fire of self-giving that recreates them as new man and new woman. They become beautifully combined in the heart of a God who loves to celebrate the victory of love.
Arrêt de commercialisation
EAN 9782332477392
Date de parution 13/04/2012
17,42 €
17,42 €
Dove trovarci?
7 avenue Carnot
56360 Le Palais – Belle-Île-en-Mer


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